head down holding a donut

 Help! The Holidays are going to ruin my diet!

During the holidays there are so many reasons that snacking can get out of control. There is the stress of balancing work and holiday prep depending on your preferences and beliefs. Other people have expectations of your behavior and participation in holiday festivities. Maybe there are tough deadlines before vacations. All of these time or interpersonal anxious situations can lead to skipping exercise, losing sleep, and grabbing what is available instead of eating healthy.

Give in, seriously

There are a number of self-help blogs that suggest never giving in. Honestly, this makes food the enemy and creates a situation where avoidance has added emphasis and amps up the temptation factor. Instead of holding out and fearing the potential binge, a better strategy may be indulging in moderation. There is no rule that you cannot cut back in other areas to make up the difference. If you can add in exercise, this will also help to deal with the ramifications of having too much. If you know you are going to binge on a day off, a walk or trip to the gym prior to meeting up with family can make you feel less guilty and better able to enjoy the holiday without punishing yourself for having a reasonable amount of fun.

Don't make yourself the worst enemy

Stress and anxiety can sabotage us and interfere with managing a routine and being good to ourselves. Talking can be therapeutic, but if you are negative about others and are simply venting instead of finding solutions to anxiety, the benefit of talking to friends and trusted colleagues may be minimal.

End disputes where possible

Have a problem with a family member? Stuck with them for the holidays? Be the bigger person and offer to compromise and move on. If there are legitimate issues, work to resolve them. Being angry or at odds with family just adds to the stress of daily life. If the other person refuses, that's fine. They are entitled to their opinions. It does not mean that you have to be miserable. It is okay to call for a truce while in their presence.

Substitutions and portion size

Creativity can be a good friend when trying to find tasty choices to tide over cravings during the holidays. For example, natural sweeteners like Stevia can replace sugar in drinks and baked goods. Substituting lower fat creams and milk can save calories and fat with minimal loss in flavor or texture. Also, if you maintain a balanced diet and actually eat regular meals you will actually feel less inclined to binge or snack incessantly.

Sometimes we are bored when we snack or anxious. Instead of eating furiously or consuming pieces at a high rate, slow it down. Savor it and actually taste the spices and the flavor. Maybe it was just a hint of chocolate rather than a whole brownie or piece of cake that would suffice.


Good luck and be well.

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