Pork chop and side dish on plate

I am reminded often by that special someone in my life that I cannot cook. They do not think I have the patience for it, plus I have the propensity to eat things well done because that is how my family prepared food growing up. They prefer medium rare, while I am more medium well.

To all their own, right? Anyway, from someone who cannot cook, here is the aftermath:


The grill marks were not perfect and some of the seasoning did not crust the way I would have liked. The bones look like the adjacent tissue added to the flavor and there is definitely moisture in the finished product. (Was not interested in gravy or mushroom soup)




This one crusted on this end which is more in line with what I was looking to achieve. I did not want to burn these or serve jerky. (No hating on jerky since I am eating some right now!) I also did not want these to be raw either. I used to pull fat during food prep at a fast food restaurant so I prefer crispy chicken and well cooked meats without globs of fat hanging off of them. It is good to have some during the cooking process for flavor, but I don't want to feel like I have lead in my stomach afterwards because I did not properly trim off the meat or cook it. Again, not perfect here, but it has good flavor. I used Montreal seasoning with some added pepper and garlic seasoning. These were good cuts so I did not feel the need to marinate them this time (too hungry and inpatient!). They had a light glaze of oil with a brush.




The theme of the day was relaxed home cooking and I was not interested in doing dishes (recycled paper plates) beyond the cutlery and cleaning the grill. (Lazy, I know) I also used a microwaveable side dish pouch to pair with the end result of what came off the grill. (Used to be called the Microwave King since I did not have a kitchen at college so I had to make due)



Hopefully, this looks appetizing visually. the flavor was good without biting grizzle or fat every other bite so that was a plus. The meat was juicy and the texture was palatable and I did not have to chew too hard to enjoy it. In addition, the FAM who like pork enjoyed it. Have fun cooking interesting and tasty things out there everyone!







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