woman surrounded by packing boxes

Living simple is a sign that we finally escaped the clutter, resisted the temptation of so many things around us, refined our life to the point where we can say that we have evolved.

Living simple we tend to enjoy the moment more, and therefore indeed lead a happier and healthier life.

Simplicity then, is not something to be ashamed off, but rather an achievement.

Simplism is one of those concepts, much like simple living where it can mean different things to different people. And that’s ok. Simplism is something that should be personal and unique to the person living it.

There is no single set of rules or standards that you must follow and meet to be a minimalist. But much like simple living, it’s important to have a clear vision of what Simplism is to you.

Although Simplism is as much about the journey as it is the end goal, without having a clear goal of what you want Simplism to look like in your life, it’s hard to stay focused and on track. So what is Simplism then?

What is Simplism?

When asked what is Simplism, Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist says  “Simplism is the intentional promotion of the things we value most and the removal of everything that distracts us from it.”

This perfectly describes Simplism. It is about having a clear understanding of what you value most in your life. This can mean things that take up your space AND time. Then intentionally removing anything in your life that gets in the way of what you value most.

At its core, Simplism is being intentional with the way you live your life. Only allowing what aligns with your most important values to take up your space and your time.

Using this definition, Simplism will look different for everyone. If you ask 100 different people to show you what is Simplism using this definition, you will end up with 100 different pictures of Simplism. What we each value is personal and unique to us.

That’s one of the things I love about Simplism, you can create whatever version of Simplism works for you. The only key is that you decide what is most important to you, and then remove anything that doesn’t line up with and support those values.

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