Graphic showing prepared food coming out of phone

These are the experiences of one of our team members. His experiences are his own and may not be yours.

The company I worked for had held a business showcase with a number of companies related to health care, health eating, responsible finance, yoga and relaxation, and stress management. There was a representative from a farmer's market, a rep from an organic food supplier, and a confectionary expert promoting healthy oils and fats in food.


Like some people, I had thoughts on losing weight for personal reasons. I remember when I could eat anything and not really gain any pounds on my frame. This was when I was younger and when I was more active than I am now. I am still active now, but it is different. Sometimes work disrupts my routine and I do not walk or use treadmills and elliptical machines as much as I would prefer. This would mean my routine would involve walks during the day and weights 3-4 times a week. In comparison, when I was younger, I would lift weights 6-7 days a week, play basketball, or ride my bike.


What kind of weight did I want to lose? People usually do not specify what that means. They just say they want to lose weight. Not all weight loss is equal though. If you reduce what you eat and do not feed muscle growth, your body could atrophy. When I previously dieted, I felt weak. I tried Dash and smaller portions in general. For me, it did not work. I would wake up hungry at night if I followed my routine strictly. My mood was off and was often sour. My quality of sleep was non-existent. I did not feel productive. One day seemed enough to ruin 6 or 7 days of discipline.


What I was doing was not working. I had heard about prepared meals and thought I would try it. The health center offered nutritious meals loaded with protein and health fiber. Members of the public could purchase whatever they wanted, but program participants received individual recommendations. Prior to starting a program, a health wellness coach would check body composition, discuss eating, and triggers for poor eating habits.


Overall, I liked it. The weight loss was not fast, but it was steady. One pound every 2 weeks was what I was experiencing the first few months I participated in the program. I was on a budget and could only do lunch. Services were offered for all meals and snacks, but I knew that this was not what I could handle. The food was great. I was able to eat grilled beef, chicken, and fish. Some of the vegetables were not very edible, but most of them were delicious too.


I had to take a break due to my finances. This is not ideal and I told the health center representative sometimes life happens. They told me they understood and said I was welcome anytime.


Do I think it works? Yes and no. People who are successful address issues besides food. This includes psychology, exercise, and getting support from friends and family. Simply choosing to eat healthy may provide some benefits, but addressing one dimension of the problem will most likely not produce the results you are looking for in your wellness journey.


If you are looking to achieve change in your personal wellness, good luck and live and eat well. If you put in the effort and determination, you can achieve it.


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