Tofu dish

Approximately five million Americans, which are more than 2% of the entire population of the United States, follow one form of vegetarian diet or another. 

Without any doubt, the health benefits that come with supporting plant-based food cannot be quantified, and although you may start to miss the taste of meat when you begin to follow a vegetarian diet, the craving for animal flesh will dwindle over time.

A vegetarian is someone who does not consume meat, fish, and chicken but eats only plant-based foods such as vegetables, whole grains, nuts, etc.

But there is a saying that too much of a good thing is bad, and this fact cannot be more accurate when it comes to vegetarian diets. Despite its inherent health benefits associated with it, there is no doubt that there are side-effects that also come with boycotting meat altogether.

In the next few sentences, you will be reading about the pros and cons of vegetarian diet so that you can make an informed decision about whether to follow the diet strictly or partially.


Health Benefits

One of the benefits of focusing on vegetarian diet has to do with minimizing the risk for cardiovascular diseases as well as a lower blood pressure and enhanced life expectancy. As long as your vegan diet provides essential nutrients like potassium and dietary fiber – legumes, vegetables, fruits, whole grains – you will enjoy these benefits. You will not have to deal with fatty meats which are loaded with saturated fat. Dietary cholesterol is practically absent, and you have no fear of developing any heart disease.



Misleading Assumptions about Automatic Benefits

Despite the health benefits of a vegetarian diet, you must know that the outcome is not automatic but takes time. Vegetarian diets comprise of fruits, legumes, nuts, whole grains, seeds, and beans. Doughnuts, French fries, and snack cakes are also vegetarian, but they contain harmful trans fats which have the potential of raising your unhealthy low-density lipoprotein cholesterol as well as reduce good cholesterol in your body.


Improved Weight Control

When you follow the vegetarian diet strictly, there is no way you can become obese or overweight, and this cannot be said of individuals who prefer eating meat. Vegetarian diets fruits, beans, vegetables, etc. are foods that fill your stomach fast, thus minimizing cravings. Obesity is an element of danger and the cause of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes as well as some types of cancer. By cutting out meat and full-fat cheeses can bring about low-calorie diets.


Potential Deficiency of Nutrients

It is true that most vegetarian diets can provide some essential nutrients which the body can utilize efficiently. But a very vital nutrient that you will be missing out on is vitamin B-12. This can only be obtained from animal-based foods like poultry, meat, eggs, chicken, etc. The only way you can obtain this essential vitamin is via supplements or fortified foods. A vegan diet also comprises calcium – which can be derived from soy milk and orange juice.


Emotional Satisfaction

This may not be too obvious, but the truth is a lot of individuals who consume meat always rationalize the reasons behind eating edible animal flesh. Meat is a costly commodity and contributes to changes in the climate and also damages our ecosystem. Reconciling the consumption of meat as well as the principle to care for animals can be a bit difficult. This is why when you follow a strict vegetarian diet, you will continue to enjoy a sense of elation or a boost in emotional satisfaction, knowing that you are contributing your quota towards preserving the lives of animals.


It is Not Unethical or Cruel to Consume Meat

It is never unethical to consume meat. In fact, meat has been part of the human diet since the beginning of time and research has even shown that our taste buds grew to crave for the savory flavor of meat.

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