Wearable benefits diagram

When you think abou the latest news in consumer health, it is not uncommon to hear about the influence of social media or the latest tech wearable or accessory. There are pedometers, heart monitors, smart watches that do all of this or more. 


 Smart clothing is also beginning to be discussed which monitor body temperature among other factors. With all of this innovation in health tech, it should be easy to be healthy, right?

The debate rages on about the impact technology is having on our lives. In recent years, advances in technology have revolutionized the way we live, and almost everybody is now in the internet age, where social media is a new identity and virtual currencies are threatening to overthrow traditional money. Perhaps, the greatest concern over the unprecedented growth and development of technology has been the effect on our health. The fundamental question is; does technology make it easier for us to be healthy?

There are many sides to this argument, and some people are in support while others are against technology.

However, this piece will dwell more on the argument that supports the notion that technology makes it easier to lead a healthy life, despite its many negative effects.

Technology has helped to enhance the delivery of medical treatment. The last century witnessed great strides in the field of medicine. Antibiotics were developed, and scientists were able to synthesize vaccines for many killer diseases. But diseases such as cancer and diabetes were still difficult to deal with. Also, heart diseases and many organ transplant procedures were impossible. Advancements in medical technology saw the development of new diagnostics system for the investigation of diseases. The MRI and fMRI are some of the best diagnostics equipment for detecting the presence of cancerous cells, tumors, fractures, and many other irregularities in the human body. These technologies opened a new frontier in the scientific study of diseases, and with it came better methods of treatment, more efficient drugs, and a more precise and deeper understanding into the behavior of the body systems and how they become susceptible to disease conditions.

Nowadays, there are test kits that people can use at home to check their blood sugar levels, blood pressure, weight, and so on. This information may now be taken for granted, but it could make the difference between life and death when it was not readily available. People with diabetes can easily track their blood sugar level to determine if a medication is producing the right results or not.

Apart from this, sports technology is one of the most important contributions of tech to our wellbeing. Obesity is a perennial problem of global proportions, especially in the developed countries. With more awareness, people are now conscious of what they eat and how it impacts their body weight and overall health. Fitness gadgets such as smartwatches can help to track calorie intake and calorie loss.

When we exercise, we can monitor the effectiveness of our workouts with our wearable devices that provide feedback on our heart rate, calorie loss, distance traveled and many other important variables. This information helps us to set goals and track our progress, leading to higher fitness levels and improved health.

Also, the internet is a treasure trove of valuable health information that people can use to improve their health. From tips on how to eat healthily, workouts for maintaining fitness, natural remedies to combat different ailments, to information about living, the internet is full of benefits for the person who wants to live a happy and healthy life.

However, despite its many benefits, technology has its own devils. The most prominent among the ills of technology is the rise of social media and the attendant deterioration of social engagement among populations all over the world.

The commoditization of the smartphone has further entrenched this trend, and many young people find it difficult to carry on decent conversations with their peers without resorting to their smartphones. This behavior is anathema to the society, breaks down relationships, and causes isolation, which can lead to many psychological problems.

To state it simply, technology in the form of mobile devices has caused an addiction of global proportions where people can’t live without their phones, and all hell will be let loose if a person is separated from his phone for a few days.

In summary, technology has made our lives easier and improved our health with many of its products. However, it has also resulted in many negatives in the world. But there are always two sides to everything. The one we give more attention ultimately triumphs.

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