consultant working from home

I love food. Great food, good conversation, the holidays, or sports, I associate food with good memories and experiences. That being said there can be too much of a good thing. Sometimes work gets in the way and you get into bad wellness stretches.

steak on a cutting board

At it again? Yup. This time it is strip steak. Not sure what I am going to pair it with but my mother would probably pair a vegetable and a starch with it so this could be green beans and potatoes or beans and rice. She was a great cook growing up and getting the opportunity to taste her dishes now is few and far between (Thanksgiving turkey rocked! Pork chops were the best!)

Young woman in athletic gear looking left

I eat salad every day so I should have a body like such and such actor or entertainer, or at the very least I should be skinny or athletic. I am right aren't I?

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